Blog post:
Where are children of abuse?

They are children like Jimmy - an eight-year old who has known more of violent tempers and cruel comments than he has hugs and kind words and loving encouragement. It is for children like Jimmy that we created Royal Family KIDS.
Most Social Services departments refer children to faith based camps such as those sponsored by the Salvation Army and Catholic Social Services when two criteria are met; namely, that no child is coerced to accept any particular religion, and that the foster placement program, foster parents or other caretakers are given a voluntary choice. Royal Family KIDS meet these two criteria.
Although each camp counselor and staff member is a committed Christian, the camps do not proselytize, and no religion is ever criticized or denigrated.
The camps extend Christian love and care, with adults modeling a non-violent, positive way of life as an alternative to many of the negative, abusive situations which children of abuse and neglect have faced.
Our Vision
Every foster child, ages 6 to 12, experiences a life changing camp, club and mentor
Our Mission
Create life changing moments for children of abuse
Our Purpose
Mobilize the faith community to confront child abuse
Our Strategy
Launch and sustain camps, clubs and mentors
Our Values
- Treat People Royally
- Keep Moving Forward
- Make Moments Matter