Sunday, June 21, 2009


WOW! I cant believe it has been a month since I updated my blog...well yes I can. Time seems to be extremely busy! Between my 4 part-time jobs and being a full time mommy I don't seem to have much time to be on the computer.
CTMH Update:
I am so excited that God is truly blessing my little scrap business as my club year has exploded and I have at least two if not three workshops a month!
I am on a current break from teaching swim lessons, but find myself subbing more than being off...hmmm...looking forward to continuing to teach. I love the kids and really love to watch the light bulb go on as they learn to swim. :)
I am down to just 2 days a week for 4 1/2 hours a day so it isn't that bad and the kids are so fun and I really enjoy it.
Time for bed and praying Maggi sleeps tonight!

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